Welcome to the Young Pioneer Tours Blog, the place where we we keep you informed about everything YPT, from current tours, to future tours and a whole lot of eclectic stuff in between.
YPT first started blogging in 2008 and are considered the best North Korean Travel blog that there is.
But, as Young Pioneer Tours have expanded our locations, so have we expanded our blog. Now we have one of the best travel blogs in the world!
And while most of our content is about the numerous destinations we go, including travel guides and what to pack, we also delve into more serious subjects such as the safety of certain destinations, as well as how LGTBQ+ friendly the places we visit are.
While the vast majority of our content is produced in-house, we are always on the look-out for guest bloggers and writers. Want to write for us? Then simply get in touch.
You can also check out our sister publication YPT Life.
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19 December 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
Our local partner in Eritrea, Tekeste, truly is a sweetheart. Helpful, knowledgeable and adorable, YPT has been very impressed by his professionalism since the beginning of our collaboration. In his spare time, he teaches and mentors young st …
18 December 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
So December, and thus the end of the year, seems to have appeared from nowhere; meaning our thoughts move onto all the exciting things happening next year in North Korea. If you have not seen it already, the Young Pioneer Tours 2016 DPRK tour schedule …
15 December 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
Back by popular demand! Enjoy the tantalizing tones of YPT’s YouTube exclusive live stream of the Korean Central Broadcasting Station via medium wave broadcast from 873 kHz, Sinuiju. Available only in the DPRK or the border regions of China a …
6 December 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
Our partner in Somaliland, Abdirizaq, tells us about his experiences and tourism in Somaliland. Is ka warran and soo dhowow! (hello and welcome) YPT: Thanks for your time today. To begin with, could you briefly introduce yourself to our blog …
30 November 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
A bridge is often a thing of unity, of connectivity and a symbolization for the joining together of places, people, or ideas. Not so in Mitrovica. In this Kosovan town where the southern half is made up of ethnic Albanians and the northern ha …
23 November 2015 / by YPT Team
On the night of the 26th of November 2015, Young Pioneer Tours were lucky enough to be the first – and still, only – foreign tour group to attend the Turkmenistan Independence Day Celebrations in the newly redesigned Ashgabat Stadium. Our group of ‘You …
6 November 2015 / by Gareth Johnson
Written by Rowan Beard We’re very proud to announce we’ve been given early access to a Russian Mil Mi-17 helicopter to be one of the first groups to ever take it for a whirl around Pyongyang city for a unique aerial tour of the capital. …
27 October 2015 / by YPT Team
Do you crave to see the unique phenomenal treasures of Russia? The best way to have a sneak peek of the breathtaking scenes is by touring the gorgeous capitals of Russia. The genuinely pure intimate travel experience of the two cities is worth savoring …
9 October 2015 / by
There are many ways one can visit different places. People can use dedicated transport but it will cost them a lot. There is a way of visiting different tourist spots at a lower cost. It is called hitch-hiking. In hitchhiking, you can stand at the side …