Young Pioneer Tours

Is it safe to travel to North Korea?

Is it safe to travel to North Korea? Despite what you may hear, it is safe to travel to North Korea. The DPRK (North Korea) is probably one of the safest places on Earth to visit provided you follow the laws and regulations as covered in our booking documents, at our pre-tour briefings, and throughout your stay in North Korea.

Tourism is very welcomed in North Korea. North Koreans are friendly and accommodating if you let them into your world and avoid insulting their beliefs or ideology. Even during tense political moments, tourism within the DPRK is never affected.

With that said, it is important to know that North Korea has what amounts to extremely strict lèse-majesté laws, covered in further detail by our terms of travel agreement, and in the event of you contravening those laws the consequences can be severe.

We arrange tours for all those who are not travelling on USA or South Korean passports. We strongly encourage anyone considering travel to the DPRK to familiarize yourself with your own country’s statements and suggestions regarding travel to the DPRK; as well as to adequately prepare before your trip by notifying the relevant agencies, embassies, or consulates of your travel plans where recommended.

Furthermore, we continue to get up-to-date travel information from both the UK and Swedish embassies in Pyongyang. While in the country, our YPT guides carry local SIM cards, which can be used to make international phone calls and contact foreign embassy staff in Pyongyang.

To learn more about tourism in North Korea you may read our FAQ page or contact us directly on

For first person experiences on our tours to North Korea or our other international destinations you may read their feedback on our 5 star rated TripAdvisor page.

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