Welcome to the Young Pioneer Tours Blog, the place where we we keep you informed about everything YPT, from current tours, to future tours and a whole lot of eclectic stuff in between.
YPT first started blogging in 2008 and are considered the best North Korean Travel blog that there is.
But, as Young Pioneer Tours have expanded our locations, so have we expanded our blog. Now we have one of the best travel blogs in the world!
And while most of our content is about the numerous destinations we go, including travel guides and what to pack, we also delve into more serious subjects such as the safety of certain destinations, as well as how LGTBQ+ friendly the places we visit are.
While the vast majority of our content is produced in-house, we are always on the look-out for guest bloggers and writers. Want to write for us? Then simply get in touch.
You can also check out our sister publication YPT Life.
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1 November 2023 / by Andy Khong
by Andy Khong Tucked away in the Riau Archipelago, Karimun Island is a pristine and often overlooked gem in the diverse landscape of Indonesian tourism. While places like Bali and Jakarta steal the spotlight, this serene island offers a unique and unto …
31 October 2023 / by Andy Khong
by Andy Khong Belarus, situated in Eastern Europe, offers a fascinating blend of history, diverse industries, complex politics, and intriguing tourist attractions. History and Founding Belarus boasts a history that dates back to the 9th century. It was …
31 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
Believe it, or not there are indeed elections in North Korea, although as you might expect they do not exactly work like elections in most capitalist, democratic countries, but work under the system of “socialist” democracy as practised in socialist co …
31 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
In news that those of us involved in Pacific Island travel have been anxiously awaiting the international border crossing between Bougainville and Solomon Islands has been reopened. This fantastic news means that you will now be able to travel from the …
29 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
When we travel to a country we like to get involved in the local cuisine. This can dishes such as Mumu, street food, but also soft drinks, with Gold Spot being the weapon of choice in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea Love Soda The people of Papua New …
28 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
28th October 2023 According to sources from both within and outside of the DPRK, North Korea is tentatively planning to open its borders to competing athletes from January 2025, although how this will be achieved and to what degree it will be open is y …
28 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
28th October 2023 As part of our security protocol Young Pioneer Tours employs the services of 3rd party security consultants for advice on our destinations. With this in mind and following advice we have decided to temporarily suspend our tours to Mai …
28 October 2023 / by Andy Khong
by Andy Khong Nestled in the heart of Europe, Liechtenstein is a picturesque and charming microstate often overlooked by many. With its rich history, diverse industries, and breath-taking tourist attractions, this small nation has a lot to offer. In th …
27 October 2023 / by Gareth Johnson
Journalist trips to Chernobyl are now available through Young Pioneer Tours and our partners in Kyiv, although there are strict rules regarding accreditation, and this should not be seen as back door or loophole way to visit Pripyat and beyond. Journal …