Young Pioneer Tours

7 Fake countries we’d love to visit

At YPT we can be very pedantic about what counts as a country, BUT in the interests of this article we are talking about genuinely fake countries, as in invented by movies, or the like. We have though also only included ones that YPT would actually go to, who sorry Princess Diaries, but you do not get a look in.

To read about what counts as a country click here.

Republic of Wadiya

The king of fake countries and number one on our list as it has an uncanny resemblances to what we think Libya might have been like under Gaddafi. And who could not be amused having Sacha Baron-Cohen as your head of state.

Location – North Africa


We asume this is a replica and formerly part of the USSR, but this is never specially said in the movie.The homeland of the protagonist Victor AKA Tom Hanks, the story was inspired by the real life of Mehran Karim. We’d ;love to add this post-Soviet shithole to our Eastern European tours. 

To read about Meran Kerma click here

Location – former USSR

Kingdom of Wakanda

The least realistic of the fake countries and also probably the worst. Why don’t these guys share their technology with the rest of Africa? Sadly the only real compatible country in real life is Ethiopia as in not colonised, but that is where the similarity ends….

To read about our Horn of Africa tour click here

Location -Africa

The Dominion of Melchizedek 

A wildcard entry as this has never been in a movie, although perhaps it should be. An absolute scam of a place they claim and everywhere, but alas own nothing. S9me great quotes about the place, but do not givee them any money. 

Location – Pacific Islands 

Passport to Pimlico 

fake countries

The original fake country movie and perhaps the GOAT of the genre. This is one of the few on the list you can actually visit as it is a part of genuine city that is London.

Location – London 


A greta fake country, but also confusing as the Movie is the Grand Budapest Hotel. The country looks like the kind of dreary palace I would live to plan a winter YPT tour to. but we do not know their government type….

Location – Eastern Europe (we think)


fake countries
fake countries

The famous main country from 1984. slightly authoritarian to say the least  and would imagine getting visas here would be a bitch, but hey thats what YPT do!

Bonus Round – Kingdom of North Sudan

A naive was never fadeout the place, but Disney were actually interested at least ubtil the words colonialism and cultural appropriation were thrown into the mix. And ib our experience too it seems the king is actually a bit of a dick, which is not ideal.

But, the best thing abviut Bir Tawil itself is that we can actually go here, while trolling the King of Northern Sudan

You can check out our Bur Tawil Incursion Tour here,

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