Young Pioneer Tours

What to pack for Nauru?


Before coronavirus YPT took about one-quarter of all annual tourists to Nauru! Alas, as the least visited country in the world this did not make us rich. It did though make us the foremost travel agency experts in travel to Nauru.

With this in mind, we have compiled a list of essentials for travel to Nauru!


Nauru is a very hot tropical climate throughout the year, so get ready to pack lots of shorts, t-shirts and pairs of flip-fops/thongs. You really will not need anything more than this when it comes to clothing. Even when you visit the parliament you are not expected to dress smartly and unless you plan on going to church whilst you are here then you will not need much else.

It does though rain frequently and hard in Nauru, so consider bringing a thin rain coat.

There are scant options here for buying clothes. If you want to see everything on the island it will involve at least a little bit of hiking, so appropriate shoes will be needed for that.

Bringing your swimmers is a given!


Cash is king in Nauru and there are pretty much no places that accept Visa or MasterCard. There are two ATMs on the island though, with one of them conveniently located at the Hotel Menem. Keep in mind though that these ATMs can notoriously run out of cash! Definitely take Australian Dollars (AUD) to Nauru rather than relying on withdrawing cash.

Changing money is also hard work with the Western Union now no longer exchanging cash. As things currently stand the only places to change USD into AUD on Nauru is upstairs at the Cappelle Supermarket and the rates are not very good.


There is not much in the way of pharmacies on the island and seeing a doctor for a prescription you can flat out forget! Mosquitos are everywhere on Nauru, but repellent really isn’t. Bring mosquito repellent and the normal medication for travels.

Mobile Phones and the Internet

Not many countries have data agreements with Nauru and it is unlikely you will be able to roam here. It is possible to get a local SIM Card (usually), although there have genuinely been times when the island has run out of cards! There really isn’t WiFi in Nauru.

And that is our rudimentary list of what to pack for travel to Nauru. We hope to see you there when the madness stops!

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