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YPT first started blogging in 2008 and are considered the best North Korean Travel blog that there is.
But, as Young Pioneer Tours have expanded our locations, so have we expanded our blog. Now we have one of the best travel blogs in the world!
And while most of our content is about the numerous destinations we go, including travel guides and what to pack, we also delve into more serious subjects such as the safety of certain destinations, as well as how LGTBQ+ friendly the places we visit are.
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31 January 2012 / by Alistair Riddell
Original article can be found here Young Pioneer Tours, a British company that has been providing tours to North Korea since 2008, has just announced the launch its Iran service. Their inaugural Iran tour is set to take place the same week as Nor …
7 January 2012 / by Gareth Johnson
After waking up after the hectic first night in Tiraspol it was time for actually doing some real touristy stuff, which for us this day was to consist of city tour of Tiraspol, including monuments, more monuments, and propaganda posters like you would …
7 January 2012 / by Rowan Beard
There are a number of wonderful books and websites should you be looking to learn about the unique culture of Tibet, with Wikipedia and Wikitravel being great places to start. From a tour point of view being in Tibet and part of their mysterious cultur …
7 January 2012 / by Gareth Johnson
Rason is not Pyongyang, and in many ways not comparable to a visit to Pyongyang, it is very special in other ways. For a start, it is very off the beaten track, with far fewer westerners than North Korea main, a simple Google search will show you how l …
7 January 2012 / by Gareth Johnson
Yanji (or Yeon’gil in Korean; Korean pronunciation: [jɔnɟil]) is the capital city of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in northeastern China. Its population is approximately 400,000 of which a large section is ethnic Korean. Yanji along with Da …
5 January 2012 / by Gareth Johnson
Here is the group e-mail that we sent out to our mailing list. If you would like to join the mailing list please e-mail tours@youngpioneertours.com to let us know Dear all, Firstly you are receiving this e-mail because you have at some point been in to …
28 December 2011 / by Pier Doyon
Many many tourist companies, and tour media have been making their predictions about if the DPRK will be closed to tourists, how long for etc etc. Regarding the question of “how long will the DPRK be closed to tourists”, or “when will North Korea be op …
19 December 2011 / by Gareth Johnson
Many people have been mailing us regarding what affect the current news will have on tours to the DPRK. Whilst we currently do not know what will happen, we will try and give some early opinion on things. Korean New Year Tour to DPRK – This could be af …
19 December 2011 / by Gareth Johnson
Like everyone involved as heavily as we are in the DPRK tourist industry we are much like everyone else truly shocked at the passing of the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il, with our thoughts being very much with the Korean people at this time. It has been an …