Welcome to the Young Pioneer Tours Blog, the place where we we keep you informed about everything YPT, from current tours, to future tours and a whole lot of eclectic stuff in between.
YPT first started blogging in 2008 and are considered the best North Korean Travel blog that there is.
But, as Young Pioneer Tours have expanded our locations, so have we expanded our blog. Now we have one of the best travel blogs in the world!
And while most of our content is about the numerous destinations we go, including travel guides and what to pack, we also delve into more serious subjects such as the safety of certain destinations, as well as how LGTBQ+ friendly the places we visit are.
While the vast majority of our content is produced in-house, we are always on the look-out for guest bloggers and writers. Want to write for us? Then simply get in touch.
You can also check out our sister publication YPT Life.
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31 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
Can anyone travel to North Korea? Generally speaking, yes, but as is standard with North Korea, there are a few caveats. Can South Koreans travel to North Korea? Generally speaking, the answer to this is no, but again with several nuances. Technically …
31 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
Does North Korea have its own TLD? Long answer short, yes .KP is the TLD for the DPRK, but as with everything North Korean, there’s a story to things…. We have written a lot about the internet in North Korea and even the top North Korean websites, but …
30 March 2020 / by Rowan Beard
The $2 bill has been around for a long time. The very first version of the bill being released in 1862 and updated throughout the years with the most recent edition of 2017. The notes aren’t as massively produced as the $1 or $5 bill, for example, whic …
30 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
What is Brennivin? Brennivin Aquavit is an aquavit (hard liquor) from Iceland and is kind of like the national drink of the country. If you visit Iceland, there are two things you are very much likely to try, hakarl, and Brennivín, often together. How …
30 March 2020 / by Rowan Beard
What is it like to fly and eat with Air Koryo? Air Koryo is often billed as the world’s only 1-star airline and for serving the infamous Air Koryo mystery burger, but what is it like to fly and eat with them? YPT and our tour guides have been flying wi …
30 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
Can I bring my phone to North Korea? The short answer to this is that yes you can. Although not if it is a satellite phone. Contrary to popular belief and the many outdated travel guides, you can bring your phone to North Korea. Prior to 2012, your pho …
30 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
Tamilok is a form of woodworm eaten on the Filipino Island of Palawan, and as you can imagine, it has quite a unique taste. It is is food, so, well, how to say unique that eating it is considered a “challenge.” Google the Tamilok challenge, and you fin …
30 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
The State Affairs Commission of North Korea is the highest government organ of the country and is led by Chairman Kim Jong Un. There are a lot of misconceptions about how the Government of North Korea works, but in fact, there is a distinct, concise, a …
30 March 2020 / by Gareth Johnson
If you find yourself in China in need of a fast food fix, you can go a lot worse than some fine dining at Dicos! Generally speaking, you are unlikely to find yourselves in China any time soon, and worse still, if you are stuck in China now, you might a …