We did it, folks – in a massive milestone for YPT, we became the first tour company to take a group across the DPRK-Russia border!
That is legit amazing!
Right? Not since the day after never has a tour company taken a group over this border, making this a huge coup and establishing an exciting precedent of which we fully intend to take advantage next year and for many years to come!
You guys are seriously the best. How long did the journey take in total?

Oh stop it, you. The journey was broken up into a couple of sections – Moscow-Ussuriysk, Ussuriysk-Rason, and Rason-Pyongyang. Respectively, they took six days, six hours and (roughly) forty hours.
Wow! What was it like spending so much time on trains?
Pretty much standard for veteran ferroequinologists as us, dear reader. Obviously there were significant differences between Russian trains and their Korean counterparts, about which we will wax lyrical in future blogs – watch this space!
What was the name of the crossing you used?

There is only one crossing between Russia and North Korea – the Friendship Bridge, which links Khasan (Russia) to Tumangang (DPRK). The bridge crosses the Tumen River and is very close to the DPRK-China-Russia tripoint.
As the first foreign tour group to cross you must have been really grilled by border guards, right?
Surprisingly not! The crossing was very smooth and very easy, with fairly relaxed border controls at Tumangang. Despite having never crossed that way before, the border guards had heard of the legends that are Young Pioneer Tours and may or may not have smoothed the way for us.
Goddamn you guys are smooth. How was the Korean train from Rason to Pyongyang?

It was certainly an experience and, again, one that we will detail in coming blogs!
Shut up already and take my money. How do I get in on this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

We’re so glad you asked! Simply sign up for next year’s epic Moscow to Pyongyang tour!