Young Pioneer Tours


The following are official YPT Group (trading as Young Pioneer Tours) companies, affiliates or partners. If a company is not listed here, it is not in any way affiliated with YPT Group LTD, or any of its subsidiaries. Any claim otherwise is false. If you would like to connect or affiliate with YPT Group LTD, please contact us, for more details!

YPT Group Companies

  • GNTours GNTours is YPT’s Philippines-based subsidiary specialising in party travel, stag tours, adventure travel, and tailor-made trips to the Philippines and South-East Asia. YPT customers enjoy a 5% discount when booking any GNTour
  • The DMZ Bar YPT’s very own bar, and perhaps the worlds only DPRK themed bar, based in Yangshuo, China. The bar also doubles up as a YPT booking office, with 5% off all tours booked and paid for directly in the bar. YPT customers get their first beer and shot free on entry!
  • RedStarPublications YPT’s very own online communist supermarket, specialising in a multitude of goods from the DPRK, China, and the wider “eastern bloc”. Contact us for a discount code when you shop there!

Travel Partners

  • YPT Cuba YPT’s UK-based partner and legal entity for our group tours to Cuba, as well as great value independent, educational, and media packages to the country
  • The Dragon Trip Our ideological brothers and partners who run backpacking trips throughout China, and at great value. Mentioning YPT when booking a tour entitles you to 5% off their list price!

Media Partners

  • NK News The number 1 source for news and media about the DPRK, and our official partner for news about the country. They offer heavily discounted subscriptions for YPT customers registering through this link
  • NKTech One of the best online resources for technology, business, and other news in the DPRK
  • The Young Pioneer YPT’s partner travel website and monthly magazine, offering great travel stories and insights for the intrepid traveller. They offer writing and advertising opportunities for YPT customers

Charitable partners

  • Korean Village Project Our partner non-profit organisation that provide volunteers, assistance, and aid to an adopted village and cooperative farm in the DPRK. YPT offer tours to the village, as well as discounts to customers who donate to them

Blog Partners

  • The Monsoon Diaries Run by YPT partner Calvin Sun, with whom we have run many successful trips, including Antarctica, Iran, and the DPRK. An altogether great blog!
  • The Bohemian blog Run by Darmon Richter, a YPT partner, and an unofficial blogger and photographer for us. He has a particular expertise in exploring of the unexplored