At Young Pioneer Tours, we take tour research very seriously, so for said reason, we ended up enjoying some night time drinks at Embargo Bar!
Due to corona, the virus, not the beer, the YPT office is now currently in Siem Reap. Siem Reap is a lovely city in itself, but we decided to head to the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh for some R&R, shopping and, of course, tour research.
We are currently planning at least one 2021 tour to Cambodia, similar to the one we ran in 2018.
We fancied some IPA type stuff, and the google gods told us that there was a cool new bar called Embargo that would quench our hipster thirsts! The first order of business was finding Embargo Bar!
Embargo bar is hidden like a gem behind multiple windy alleyways a bit like the original Great Leap Brewery for those old enough to remember!
The walk, however, is indeed worth it as you are presented with a small open plan minimalist building that is comfortable, snug and has a ton of beers on tap (and by the bottle).
They don’t brew their own beer but source the majority of it from Cambodian brewers. On the day we came to the beer literally on everyone’s lips was COVID-19, a hoppy grapefruit type blend from Kampot that was not too sour.

For me personally, the highlight, as it was hotter than the sun, was draft “hard lemonade,” which at 5% hit all my major food groups.
The vibe was very chilled, with the owners who are from the US and Finland proving to be incredibly gracious hosts.
It also had an eclectic local/ex-pat/tourist dynamic that avoided the cliques you often find in ex-pat havens, whilst also not being too in your face.
Embargo seems to the best place no one knows about where to sample great beers in Phnom Penh. Oh and they also sell moonshine from Jungle Cat! We shall be back.