Young Pioneer Tours

The Albania Guide

The Albania Guide

Nestled on the shores of the Adriatic sea, Albania is an independent nation with a strong ethnic identity. Despite having a wealth of natural beauty, hospitable locals, and an abundance of history from ancient to modern, this country is one of the lesser-traveled destinations and very underrated. The modern history of Albania has been far from pleasant. Albania was locked in the grip of a tyrannical Communist dictatorship for over 40 years and descended into civil war soon after breaking free of the regime in the 1990s. It then underwent a grueling civil war during the same era. Since then, Albania has become safe for travel with a lot to offer and is progressing towards a brighter future and trying to shake off the stigma left from its dark past.

As a result of the various empires that have passed through Albania, the country is home to a wealth of different cultures, foods, and history. For foodies, Albania is a dream come true. The grim period of Fascist Italian occupation during WW2 introduced world-class coffee and cuisine to Albania which they have since mastered. Roman, Greek, and Ottoman influence through the centuries have heavily impacted Albanian food and as such, it is a delight to behold.

YPT has been visiting Albania with our Eurasian Adventure, Balkan Badlands, and private tours for a number of years. With Pioneer Media, we also worked on a US horror movie for a number of months in the country. So it’s fair to say, we’re the go-to experts when it comes to this underrated country nestled on the Adriatic. Our tours can feature a range of highlights from traverse through the jaw-dropping Albanian mountains, passing villages infamous for vendettas and blood feuds, and of course, exploring the vibrant capital of reaching Tirana where we’ll explore the shocking history of a Communist regime that was one of the most brutal, secretive and isolationist during the Cold War era.
