Young Pioneer Tours

Search: the Cambodian Premier League Awards

The Cambodian Premier League Awards 2023

Cambodian Premier League

At Young Pioneer Tours we have a number of passions, mostly related to strange countries, but also for some of us at least football. Sow hen the chance to attend the inaugural Cambodian Premier League awards  came about we obviously jumped at the chance.  To read about watching football in Cambodia click here. What is […]

For more information click this link: The Cambodian Premier League Awards 2023

Satoshi Saito Leaves Cambodian Premier League on Brink

Satoshi Sato

Satoshi Saito the CEO of the Cambodian Premier League is reportedly leaving his position as the head of the organization, with the league reportedly on the brink of bankruptcy. The news comes after more than a week of rumors about both the league and Satoshi Sato himself, with the rumblings of discontent among clubs seemingly […]

For more information click this link: Satoshi Saito Leaves Cambodian Premier League on Brink