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Albania Tours and Travel

YPT Tours to Albania Our Albania tours are unique and also the gateway to many other interesting countries.  Nestled on the shores of the Adriatic sea, Albania is an independent nation with a strong ethnic identity. Despite having a wealth of natural beauty, hospitable locals, and an abundance of history from ancient to modern, this […]

For more information click this link: Albania Tours and Travel

Slovenia Tours and Travel

YPT Tours to Slovenia Our Slovenia tours are unique and the gateway to many other interesting countries. Slovenia is a country located at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe. The word itself, “Slovenia”, etymologically stands for the ‘land of the Slavs’, which is an ethnic group commonly situated in this larger geographical area. Slovenia […]

For more information click this link: Slovenia Tours and Travel

Baluchistan: A Journey into the Unseen ‘Tan’!


by Andy Khong Heard of Baluchistan? It is not a country, but a region veiled in the mists of history; spans the nations of Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. Its rich heritage, diverse landscapes, and vibrant culture make it an intriguing destination. In this article, we will explore the historical context of Baluchistan before delving into […]

For more information click this link: Baluchistan: A Journey into the Unseen ‘Tan’!

Iran: Step into a Living Tapestry

YPT Iran Tours

by Andy Khong Iran, also known as Persia historically, boasts a storied history that dates back thousands of years. It was home to one of the world’s earliest civilizations, the Elamites, followed by the Persian Empire, one of the most significant empires in history. Iran has witnessed the rise and fall of various dynasties, including […]

For more information click this link: Iran: Step into a Living Tapestry

Iraq Tours and Travel 2024 and 2025

Explore our 2023 and 2024 Iraqi Kurdistan and Federal Iraq tours.

For more information click this link: Iraq Tours and Travel 2024 and 2025

Languages of Iran – 2024 Guide

Languages of Iran

Iran is one of our favourite places to visit, partly because of the (mostly) Farsi speaking local people. But, are there other languages of Iran that we should know about? Yes, indeed there are. To read about Korean click here. Official Languages of Iran Persian Farsi is the official language of Iran, the lingua franca […]

For more information click this link: Languages of Iran – 2024 Guide

Kuwait Tours 2024-2025

Kuwait Tours

Young Pioneers Tour are pleased to offer our 2024 and 2025 Kuwait Tours and Travel packages. A real crossroads of old and new, Kuwait offers ancient Arabic and Greek sites, combined with one of the most modern cities in the world, this is not a regular destination! Often overlooked by western visitors, there is much […]

For more information click this link: Kuwait Tours 2024-2025

Iran Now Open To Tourism – Travel Update

Iran Now Open To Tourism

Iran now open to tourism in news we had long hoped for and indeed expected. The opening is for vaccinated tourists and will mean a resumption of tours to the country! To read our Covid-19 update click here.  Iran Now Open To Tourism – what has been announced? People who have received their second dose […]

For more information click this link: Iran Now Open To Tourism – Travel Update

In Pictures: Iraqi Kurdistan, the Land With a War Next-door

With Iraqi government troops and Kurdish Peshmerga forces currently conducting hand-to-hand urban warfare with ISIS in Mosul, you might think that Iraqi Kurdistan is a no-go war zone. You’d be very wrong. Last October, Young Pioneer Tour’s Shane landed in Erbil, northern Iraq on the very day the offensive to recapture Mosul had started. Our […]

For more information click this link: In Pictures: Iraqi Kurdistan, the Land With a War Next-door

COVID-19 / Coronavirus Travel Update – Which countries are open for tourism?

Coronavirus travel update. Welcome to the YPT COVID-19 / Coronavirus travel updates page. With this page we aim to give up to date travel advice on which countries are open to tourism during the current pandemic. As you might imagine one of the most frequent questions we are getting asked right now is which countries […]

For more information click this link: COVID-19 / Coronavirus Travel Update – Which countries are open for tourism?