Young Pioneer Tours

Republic of Sudan Security Update

We are issuing a Republic of Sudan update with regards to the recent events that have befallen the country.

What is happening in Sudan?

Essentially one militia group, namely the Rapid Support Services (RSF) are in open conflict with the Sudanese military, the current rulers of the country.

The militant group had been negotiating an integration into the Sudanese military, who have stated publicly at least that they will eventually return the country to civilian rule.

Since ending the joint civilian-military rule in 2020 the country has regularly seen protests by political groups, although these have largely been peaceful. Although with this being said the central government have increasingly become less in control of certain regions of the country, such as Darfur and Abyei for example.

You can read about Abyei here.

Will this lead to democracy in Sudan?

In short no, this is not a fight between two democratic actors, it is essentially a poet play between two groups, neither of which are democratic in nature.

There is though a very large possibility that other actors from across the spectrum may become involved in the conflict.

Republic of Sudan Security Update – Can you travel there right now?

For all intents the country is currently not safe to visit. We have personally reached out to our partners in the country and they have replied that “this is a conflict between the military and we expect it to be over soon”

As always it is a situation that we are constantly monitoring and will keep people updated on.

I already have a tour to Sudan booked?

Sadly coup’s and attempted ones are path of the course in Sudan, but in comparison to other nations “normality” is resumed relatively quickly in most cases, usually by the Sudanese military.

Our current opinion is that this will remain the case and tours will be able to resume in the not too distant future. This particularly applies to our tours there in November of this year.

You can read about our Sudan Nubian Legends Tour here.

As always though we suggest consulting government agencies, such as the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UKFCO) before deciding on your travel plans.

You can check the UKFCO here

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