Young Pioneer Tours

Jobs at YPT

At YPT we are always looking for new staff members to join our team around the world. We often don’t require experience in the industry or specialist skills but a willingness to be part of the team and learn new skills in a number of fields, from marketing, website development to tour guiding.
Job opportunities at YPT:
  • Summer Interns to be based in Beijing/Dandong, China, with responsibilities of blog writing and editing, website development, social media and marketing campaigns, and if there is potential to be trained as a guide and leading tours to North Korea
  • Remote Interns specialising in graphic design or writing, SEO optimisation and website work
  • Full-time staff based in China with a background in marketing, website development etc and to be trained as guides
  • Regional specialists to join our teams in Soviet Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia and South Asia, experience in the region is a must and language skills preferred
As always we aim to bring people into the company who can work long-term, with opportunities for becoming full-time available to all interns if things work out. We are on the lookout for people with specialist skills who can add to our team but also for people who can be trained up in various fields.
If you would like to hear more about YPT opportunities please send your CV and cover letter to

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