Young Pioneer Tours

Young Pioneer Tours – IOS and Android App  

When we are not planning the best way to travel to North Korea and other “Destinations Your Mother Would Rather You Stayed Away From” we are always trying to look for ways to improve the travel experiences of our Pioneers, such as blogging, travel updates, and fabulous special offers.

It is with this in mind that we have designed the perfect travel app for our guests, and even just regular folks that love adventure travel.

So what is in the app?

It consists of 3 parts, Blogs, Offers, News


The Blogs section is fed directly from our travel lifestyle website theyoungpioneer, and consists of unique content about a range of adventure travel subjects (not just our tours) not featured on our main site.



This is where it is at! Every Monday YPT offers a unique discount to one of our tours, only available for one week and only for users of the app. Can’t say fairer than that.


This consists of all the breaking news and travel advisories about North Korea and our other destinations that we regularly as and when they occur.


And best of all? Not only is it free, but it might, just might save you money.

In fact, today we have a completely free offer!


To download on IOS, or Android click on the links below.



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